Promise for Clean Code

I first came across the concept of a Promise about 3 years ago. At the time I was working with jQuery and was rather put off by the concept. It wasn’t that it wasn’t useful, I just didn’t understand it. Then, about a year ago the concept finally “clicked”… I refactored some existing applications and the reduction in code and simplicity of it all was breathtaking. But I never really appreciated the true power until I used them in PHP…

Don't Be Afraid To Be Silly

When was the last time you were silly? Well, more specifically, when was the last time that you wrote code that was downright silly? I’m not talking about writing code that’s dirty, or hacking something together. I’m talking about writing code that you know before writing won’t work, or is wrong or is just plain silly… I’m talking about the kind of code that you think that if you show other developers, they’ll just sit back and go "Why the #@$% would you do that in the first place?"… Well, I do it quite often, and let me tell you why you should do it more as well!

The Brain Is A Muscle

The brain is a muscle, and as all muscles, it needs regular exercise to keep sharp. Or at least that’s what the old adage says. This is a post that I’ve been meaning to write for a long time now, but never got around to (until now that is). Sparked by a twitter conversation with Mr Grumpy himself (Chris Hartjes), I decided that the time was right for it. So, here’s my method for staying sharp and exercising my brain…