Protecting Against XSS In RAILS - JavaScript Contexts

Recently my team was working to implement Brakeman in our CI processes to automatically scan our codebase for security vulnerabilities. Among a few other issues, it identified a handful of similar XSS vulnerabilities of a similar pattern:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var FOO = "<%= raw whatever %>";
  />, document.getElementById('some_place'));

This is a pretty straight forward vulnerability, since passing "; alert(1); " for whatever will result in the code being rendered as var FOO = ""; alert(1); ""; which isn’t good.

The fix, isn’t so simple. I’ve searched high and low, and couldn’t find a single source that had the correct solution to the problem. So here it is…

Disclosure: WordPress WPDB SQL Injection - Technical

Today, a significant SQL-Injection vulnerability was fixed in WordPress 4.8.3. Before reading further, if you haven’t updated yet stop right now and update.

The foundations of this vulnerability was reported via Hacker-One on September 20th, 2017.

This post will detail the technical vulnerability as well as how to mitigate it. There is another post which deals with the background and time-lines.

Disclosure: WordPress WPDB SQL Injection - Background

Today, a significant SQL-Injection vulnerability was fixed in WordPress 4.8.3. Before reading further, if you haven’t updated yet stop right now and update.

The foundations of this vulnerability was reported via Hacker-One on September 20th, 2017.

This post will detail the background on the vulnerability as well as why I publicly threatened to Fully Disclose. There is another post which deals with the technical vulnerability.


Stop and take a moment to think about how much trust is required to live your everyday life. Every single aspect of your life is built up on layer after layer of trust, it’s nothing short of staggering. Different aspects of life will contain different levels of trust, with some being very guarded and some being very lax. We don’t often talk about this trust and we often make the blind assumption that trust is inherently a bad thing. That’s most definitely not the case. Let’s explore why.

Security Issue: Combining Bcrypt With Other Hash Functions

The other day, I was directed at an interesting question on StackOverflow asking if password_verify() was safe against DoS attacks using extremely long passwords. Many hashing algorithms depend on the amount of data fed into them, which affects their runtime. This can lead to a DoS attack where an attacker can provide an exceedingly long password and tie up computer resources. It’s a really good question to ask of Bcrypt (and password_hash). As you may know, Bcrypt is limited to 72 character passwords. So on the surface it looks like it shouldn’t be vulnerable. But I chose to dig in further to be sure. What I found surprised me.

Being A Responsible Developer

Last night, I was listening to the combined DevHell and PHPTownHall Mashup podcast recording, listening to them discuss a topic I talked about in my last blog post. While they definitely understood my points, they for the most part disagreed with me (there was some contention in the discussion though). I don’t mind that they disagreed, but I was rather taken aback by their justification. Let me explain…

On PHP Version Requirements

I learned something rather disturbing yesterday. CodeIgniter 3.0 will support PHP 5.2. To put that in context, there hasn’t been a supported or secure version of PHP 5.2 since January, 2011. That’s nearly 4 years. To me, that’s beyond irresponsible… It’s negligent… So I tweeted about it (not mentioning the project to give them the chance to realize what the problem was):

I received a bunch of replies. Many people thought I was talking about WordPress. I wasn’t, but the same thing does apply to the project. Most people agreed with me, saying that not targeting 5.4 or higher is bad. But some disagreed. Some disagreed strongly. So, I want to talk about that.

A Lesson In Security

Recently, a severe SQL Injection vulnerability was found in Drupal 7. It was fixed immediately (and correctly), but there was a problem. Attackers made automated scripts to attack unpatched sites. Within hours of the release of the vulnerability fix, sites were being compromised. And when I say compromised, I’m talking remote code execution, backdoors, the lot. Why? Like any attack, it’s a chain of issues, that independently aren’t as bad, but add up to bad news. Let’s talk about them: What went wrong? What went right? And what could have happened better? There’s a lesson that every developer needs to learn in here.

Why I Don't Recommend Scrypt

As many of you likely know, I have a “thing” for password storage. I don’t know what it is about it, but it fascinates me. So I try to keep up as best as I can on the latest trends. In the past few years, we’ve seen the rise of a new algorithm called scrypt (it’s 5 years old actually). It’s gaining more and more adoption. But I don’t recommend its use in production systems for password storage. Let me explain why: